Link types: quicktime movies examples

New Issues on Web Authoring of Quicktime and other embeded content

Please note that new requirements for Internet Explorer due to the "Eolos-Microsoft patent problem" have changed much of the content on this page.

Please see New IE requirements for quicktime for general apple related issues and also look at Quicktime Authoring at Teachers College for additional details and example scripts related to our installations. You may also reach the administrator of our quicktime servers, Lawerence Furnival -- furnival 'at' -- for additional help to Teachers College community members.

Additional note: for all streaming connections, not only must 'rtsp' be used instead of 'http' as before, but port 554 must be added as well as in the example below. Please change all your links!!!


Furthur Notes:

For details on making movies into hinted selfcontained quicktime movies see hinted movies or "save for web" under iMovie or FinalCut.
For details on making poster movies (Quicktime Pro required), see poster movie documentation
For details on making reference movies, see reference movie documentation(Free download required here)

Please note that some knowledge of html is required to understand the examples below

0. Javascript with Quickstart (not streaming)
<script src="/javascript/AC_QuickTime.js" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="JavaScript"  type="text/javascript">QT_WriteOBJECT('','320','256','', 'autoplay', 'false');

1. Javascript with Streaming
Doesn't work with firefox, does popup on IE on the Mac, am still working on it. Not ready for 'prime time'.
<script src="/javascript/AC_QuickTime.js" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="JavaScript"  type="text/javascript">QT_WriteOBJECT('rtsp://','320','256','', 'autoplay', 'false');

2. QTL link (not streaming)
<a href="">click here to watch in quicktime player</a>

Here is what the .qtl file looks like:
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
<?quicktime type="application/x-quicktime-media-link"?>

autoplay="true" type="video/quicktime" controller="true" quitwhendone="false" loop="false" 
name="test file"></embed>
click here to watch in quicktime player
2a. QTL link (streaming)
<a href="">click here to stream to quicktime player</a>

Here is what the .qtl file looks like:
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
<?quicktime type="application/x-quicktime-media-link"?>

autoplay="true" type="video/quicktime" controller="true" quitwhendone="false" loop="false" 
name="test file"></embed>
click here to stream to quicktime player
2b. Pop-up without QTL
(not recommended because real or windows media can sometimes hijack.)
<a href=""> hinted quickstart </a>
hinted quickstart

3. Pop-up with Streaming (full service but too simple and too easy.)
PROBLEMS: Hijacking problems, but otherwise works well with older content on IE and Mozilla on PC and Mac. Works on Safari and Opera on the Mac. Sometimes is intercepted by realmedia player but still plays - except if movie is encoded with latest codex that real doesn't support then it is 'real' problem - realplayer reports 'corrupted file' or 'wrong media type'. Windows Media Player will sometimes intercept call also to .mp4 extensions. Adding 'type="video/quicktime"' doesn't help because Real intends to intercept, as does WMP...Why can't these companies play fair?
<a href="rtsp://"> hinted streaming </a>
hinted streaming from "a href=rtsp" link (with rtsp: instead of http:)

3a. Pop-up with Streaming (with image tag inside '<a href="rtsp://')
PROBLEMS: -see above for inteception problems for pop-ups
<a href="rtsp://"> <img src="sixties.jpg"> </a>

Click on image to launch Quicktime Player and view movie

4. Embed tag with poster movie (Quickstart)
(Not for newer MS Internet Explorer)
-best would be to stretch image, and hide controller?
so pix without controller replaced by embeded player with controler???

        SRC        = "" 
        QTSRC      = ""
        HREF       = "" 
        TARGET     = "myself"
        CONTROLLER = "true"
        WIDTH      = "320" 
        HEIGHT     = "256" 
        LOOP       = "false" 
        AUTOPLAY   = "true" 
        PLUGIN     = "quicktimeplugin" 
        TYPE       = "video/quicktime" 
        CACHE      = "false" 
        PLUGINSPAGE= "" >
</EMBED> <br/> 
<i> Click on image to play full movie</i> <br/>

Click on image to play full movie

5. Object and Embed tag combined with poster movie (QuickStart)
Works with MS IE because of object tags, PLEASE NOTE: for absolute url use "http:" NOT "rtsp:"
   <PARAM name="SRC"        VALUE = "" >
   <PARAM name="QTSRC"      VALUE = "" >
   <PARAM name="HREF"       VALUE = ""        >
   <PARAM name="AUTOPLAY"   VALUE = "true"               >
   <PARAM name="CONTROLLER" VALUE = "true"               >
   <PARAM name="TYPE"       VALUE = "video/quicktime"    >
   <PARAM name="TARGET"     VALUE = "myself"             >
        SRC        = "" 
        QTSRC      = ""
        HREF       = "" 
        TARGET     = "myself"
        CONTROLLER = "true"
        WIDTH      = "320" 
        HEIGHT     = "256" 
        LOOP       = "false" 
        AUTOPLAY   = "true" 
        PLUGIN     = "quicktimeplugin" 
        TYPE       = "video/quicktime" 
        CACHE      = "false" 
        PLUGINSPAGE= "" >
<i> Click on image to play full movie</i> <br/>

Click on image to play full movie

5a. Poster movie -> reference movie -> streaming movie
(Poster movie with streaming - Best of the Best)...
Works with MS IE because of object tags, PLEASE NOTE: url inside reference movie must have rtsp:// address to stream!
PROBLEMS take out the controller if you have to click on it anyway??? See next example below.
   <PARAM name="SRC"        VALUE = "" >
   <PARAM name="QTSRC"      VALUE = "" >
   <PARAM name="HREF"       VALUE = ""        >
   <PARAM name="AUTOPLAY"   VALUE = "true"               >
   <PARAM name="CONTROLLER" VALUE = "true"               >
   <PARAM name="TYPE"       VALUE = "video/quicktime"    >
   <PARAM name="TARGET"     VALUE = "myself"             >
        SRC        = "" 
        QTSRC      = ""
        HREF       = "" 
        TARGET     = "myself"
        CONTROLLER = "true"
        WIDTH      = "320" 
        HEIGHT     = "256" 
        LOOP       = "false" 
        AUTOPLAY   = "true" 
        PLUGIN     = "quicktimeplugin" 
        TYPE       = "video/quicktime" 
        CACHE      = "false" 
        PLUGINSPAGE= "" >

Click on image to play full movie

6. Poster movie -> streaming movie (with no controller)
(Poster movie with streaming - no bar, no reference movie)...
Works with MS IE because of object tags, PLEASE NOTE: href value must have rtsp:// address to stream!
   <PARAM name="SRC"        VALUE = "" >
   <PARAM name="QTSRC"      VALUE = "" >
   <PARAM name="HREF"       VALUE = "rtsp://"        >
   <PARAM name="AUTOPLAY"   VALUE = "true"               >
   <PARAM name="CONTROLLER" VALUE = "false"              >
   <PARAM name="TYPE"       VALUE = "video/quicktime"    >
   <PARAM name="TARGET"     VALUE = "myself"             >
        SRC        = "" 
        QTSRC      = ""
        HREF       = "rtsp://" 
        TARGET     = "myself"
        CONTROLLER = "false"
        WIDTH      = "320" 
        HEIGHT     = "256" 
        LOOP       = "false" 
        AUTOPLAY   = "true" 
        PLUGIN     = "quicktimeplugin" 
        TYPE       = "video/quicktime" 
        CACHE      = "false" 
        PLUGINSPAGE= "" >

click on movie to play